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Jehovah Tsidkenu - Accent Coffee Mug, 11oz

Jehovah Tsidkenu - Accent Coffee Mug, 11oz

Regular price $9.95 USD
Regular price $12.95 USD Sale price $9.95 USD
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The Lord Our Righteousness

This coffee mug design reflects the combination of Jehovah with the word "Tsidkenu". “Tsidkenu” means righteousness, When Tsidkenu is added to a name like Jehovah, it means the eternal God is forever righteous. It also means that Jehovah is forever our righteousness. He is the source and provider of our righteousness 24-365. There is no point during the day or throughout the year when is He not our righteousness.

Without His righteousness no one would be able to stand before God. All would be judged guilty of sin and iniquity. We would all be destined for an eternity separated from our Creator in darkness and torment. Yet per God’s plan, Jesus took our place. Now His righteousness is applied to us who believe, that we should live with Him, in the presence of God. Every bit of righteousness that is attached to us is from Him and Him alone. Regardless of circumstance or situation,

Do you know Him as your righteousness? Do you know that your acceptance before God is only because of what Jesus did? Both in His death and resurrection, His actions made it possible for you to know God and be known by Him. If you do, then you can share not only your knowledge but your experience of Him as well.

This design will make a great reminder for you through the day of who God is on your behalf. It can also be a great conversation starter for you to share your faith with anyone who asks.

  • White ceramic with colored interior and handle
  • C-handle
  • Eye-catching color contrast
  • Lead and BPA-free
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