Collection: THYKC - T-Shirts

ThyKC - ThyWBD: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done.

What does ThyKC or ThyWBD mean?

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, here on the earth as it is in heaven.” This is part of a prayer Jesus taught us when He was teaching His disciples to pray and giving them an example of what sincere prayer is. But those few words are somewhat lacking in detail regarding what the kingdom of God would look like.

But we should not think that His kingdom is waiting for the actual physical return of Christ to rule the nations. Each one of us, as we have humbled ourselves to see our desperate need for God, have already been given access through Jesus Christ to His kingdom, and access to all that comes with it.

His kingdom extends everywhere He rules. That means if He rules in you then you are His kingdom, and His authority exists and works in and through you. Your presence brings His presence. Where you go, His kingdom goes. Understand as well, how we act and speak also reflects on His kingdom.

God’s kingdom is not only for a future time when Christ is physically here and reigning. It is for today and access is not limited. Anyone can come and enjoy the renewed restored relationship with our heaven father if they come through Jesus Christ.

So, we pray not only for His actual return to reign but that everyone we come across throughout the day would come to know His grace and mercy too. We pray for them to experience the kingdom of God as we have and do.