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IJN Healing - Accent Coffee Mug, 11oz

IJN Healing - Accent Coffee Mug, 11oz

Regular price $9.95 USD
Regular price $12.95 USD Sale price $9.95 USD
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The Greek word for healing is therapeuō; pronounced “ther-ap-yoo-o.”

Everyone needs healing of some kind. Not one of us has escaped childhood without some type of scars. They may be psychical, mental, emotional and even spiritual. Regardless, we are all damaged and broken in some way. Those scars can often be a hindrance throughout our life if not healed. But we have a faithful God who does desire for us to know His healing.

Jer. 29:11-14 "… Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will let Myself be found by you,’ declares the LORD, …’

Matt. 9:35 “Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness.

He wants all to know and experience His plan. These Coffee Mug designs are to remind you that God is interested in your healing and give you a chance and to let others know of God’s desire to heal them. And perhaps open the possibility to pray for someone as well.

As you describe that I J N means “In Jesus Name,” you get the chance to tell them of His love for them. His desire is for them to be whole. They may even allow you to pray for them to be healed. God does want us to be healed if we will ask and believe.

There are times when our conditions are there for God’s glory. Remember Jesus’ words to His disciples about why a man was born blind? They thought it was because either the parents or the child sinned for the child to be born damaged as he was. But Jesus said neither was the case. The reason was to reveal the glory of God. The way Jesus revealed God's glory was to heal the man. This was a demonstration of God’s will. God does not want us to be damaged, but our damaged condition (a result of sin) is to reveal His glory.

This coffee mug design will make a great reminder for you through the day of who God is on your behalf. It can also be a great conversation starter for you to share your faith with anyone who asks.

They also make great gifts.

  • White ceramic with colored interior and handle
  • C-handle
  • Eye-catching color contrast
  • Lead and BPA-free
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