Collection: Jehovah 24/365 - Sweatshirts

The name Jehovah is the primary name for God in the Old Testament and used more often than any other name. It's often referred to as the “Revelatory name of God”. Did you know the name “Jehovah” has its roots in the “I am that I am” statement made by God. When asked by Moses who he was that he could tell the children of Israel, God said "I am that I am".

The primary meaning is “Self-Existing.” This means His existence is not the result of anything or anyone else. Unlike us, He is not a created being. He exists and always existed because of who He is. And He is not reliant upon anyone or anything for His continued existence.

It means He is eternal. There is no moment in time when God did not exist. This can be a roadblock for many since it's a hard concept to grab hold of. With our finite level of understanding eternity can be a challenging concept to grasp.

This is where faith comes in. The writer of Hebrews wrote, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for the one who comes to God must believe that He exists, and that He proves to be One who rewards those who seek Him,” (Heb. 11:6).

Faith is accepting His existence as a being a reality, but it does not end there. We must also believe, “Who He is.” And who He is has been revealed in the Old Testament through the revelatory names. These are names combined with “Jehovah.” Through these names, God has revealed certain characteristics of Himself or more exact His very nature.

Each of these names are significant and reveal an aspect of Himself that He desires His people to know. When combined with "Jehovah", His eternal nature combines with that name as well. For example, "Shammah" means present. But "Jehovah Shammah" means the eternal God is eternally present. When the two names combine, they share the same nature.

As you take a moment to browse our selection of Jehovah sweat shirts. Know that you may find yourself in situations where you will have the opportunity to share your faith. You may be asked to explain what “Shammah,” “Shalom,” “Jireh,” “Sabaoth,” etc. means. Be ready to give a defense for the hope you have in the one whose name you wear.

The best testimony comes from experience. We designed this Christian hoodie to encourage you to experience Jehovah as His name reveals Him to be. And we want to help you remember throughout your day who God is. He never changes, He will always be who He says He is 24/365.

BTW, they make great gifts for believing friends and family.